Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chick Lit

Okay, I hate to be that mom, though I'm kind of getting used to it. You know, the mom who complains to the librarian that the books she uses for the "Family" theme story time do not include any single-parent, same-sex parent, or any other non-traditional families? She's me.

Another mother from Bess' school recommended a book to me called Silent Kay and the Dragon by Larry Dane Brimner. I got it out of the library yesterday, and - I guess I'll start with the part where I am checking out the book and the librarian seems shocked that I am checking out a DRAGON book for my DAUGHTER. Ah, the country life...

Now, the main character's name is Kay, and she's on the cover, so clearly it's a "girl book". But here's my question: why Silent Kay? Why not Mighty Kay or Clever Kay? Why is the title character Silent?

And then I read the book. I guess the point is that dragons who seem scary at first can really be helpful and kind, but Silent Kay is kind of bumbling. She doesn't realize that her shoelaces are tied together, and trips and falls - but luckily the dragon is there to untie the laces and save her before they share a nice, civilized cup of tea. Even when the dragon slayer IS a girl, she still can't actually manage to be a heroine. She still needs someone to come to her rescue.

Maybe I should have a t-shirt made up to wear to the library so at least the staff knows what they're up against when I come in: "Yeah, I'm that mom". Or maybe they all already know...


  1. Have you ever thought about becoming a children's book author?

  2. I second Lauren's thought! Get writing Kelly (not that you don't already have enough to do). Don't get me started on gender representation - I almost died looking through a set of "old maid" cards a friend gave us. Apparently the only jobs Claire is going to be eligible for is a spinster or pastry chef ... even the traditionally female "teacher" card was a guy...

  3. Regina, since you're artistic, maybe you could be my illustrator! ;) Then I would definitely get started....

    My new project is going through every book in the library to find ones that I am comfortable with. This is a tall order, I realize - when considering gender representation, representation of minorities, non-traditional families and people with handicaps, treatment of non-human animals....I went through an entire section at our library yesterday and found four or five that are okay. I'm going to start reviewing them here.

    BTW, I have one I really like called Girls Hold Up This World by Jada Pinkett-Smith, I can loan it to you if you want...
